SSDRapidhost Webhosting Inc. Acceptable Use Policy described below defines the actions which SSDRapidhost Webhosting Inc. considers to be abused and strictly prohibited. There are no exclusions in this listing. Please, be aware that the actions listed below are also prohibited from other Internet Presence Providers (IPP’s) and their users on behalf of SSDRapidhost Webhosting Inc. to advertise any service hosted by SSDRapidhost Webhosting Inc. or connected via the SSDRapidhost Webhosting Inc. Network. As defined by the Canadian Competition Act and the United States Federal Trade Commission Deception Policy Statement, such services are not to be advertised by way of deceptive marketing policies. For abbreviation purposes, companies or individual account owners using our services will be referred to as CUSTOMERS.
SSDRapidhost Webhosting Inc. Acceptable Use Policy has been formulated with the following goals in mind:
The Acceptable Use Policy below defines the actions which SSDRapidhost Webhosting Inc. considers to be abusive, and thus, strictly prohibited. The examples named in this list are non-exclusive, and are provided solely for guidance to SSDRapidhost Webhosting Inc. customers. If you are unsure whether any contemplated use or action is permitted, please send mail to and we will assist you. Please note that the actions listed below are also not permitted from other Internet Service Providers on behalf of, or to advertise, any service hosted by SSDRapidhost Webhosting Inc., or connected via the SSDRapidhost Webhosting Inc. network. Furthermore, such services may not be advertised via deceptive marketing policies, as defined by the Canadian Competition Act and the United States Federal Trade Commission Deception Policy Statement.
Revised: March 10, 2016